I just got nominated for a Beautiful Blog :)
I've never really considered my blog to be beautiful, pretty or even successful. It's just my musings on stuff really and that's all I ever wanted it to be. People complain about their ratings or boast about how they got 10,000 hits last week. I honestly don't care about page views as long as someone reads it at least
So, my seven things you don't know about me:
- My parents divorced when I was seven and now I live with my mum while my dad lives at the other end of the country. My brother still loves him but to me, he is my biological father but he is not my dad. I have little emotional attachment to him. Bit of a sad note to start with but it's what came to me first
- I love to cook, especially Italian food
- I can't write fiction for love of trying so I stick to fact, hence the Journo degree
- I probably don't do so well in exams because I don't study enough, but that's usually because I'm afraid of it. The amount of work that we have to go through is so daunting I will do nearly anything to avoid it. Apart from clean the bathroom, then I'll study the entire day.
- When I have children, I want boys not girls
- I wear glasses for reading
- And finally, I spent two years learning Chinese as a GCSE but all I can remember apart from basic greetings is 'I love noodles' (wo xiao miantao for those who are interested)
As for my blogs, I actually don't read that many mostly because I dont seem to have time or merely forget
First is the lovely lady who nominated me http://curiositything.blogspot.co.uk/ she write such funny stuff, often about ho her bf annoys her and how much she loves soap (which I didn't know before I read it)
Secondly my lovely friend http://lightsoutwordsflow.blogspot.co.uk/ who does not need his ego making any bigger my me doing this but hey ho he's enjoyable to read
And last but not at all least is http://tobeconfirmedtbc.blogspot.co.uk/ who is literally obsessed with films and her blog is about - you guessed it, films :P
This is what to do now:
Put down seven facts about yourself,
Link to the blog of the person who nominated you
Link to bloggers who you think deserves the award,
Let these bloggers know
Simples *squeak* xD