Thursday, 27 December 2012

Hobbit Review

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

‘Stop! Stop! I haven’t got a handkerchief!’
Hobbits are strange creatures; about three feet tall with pointy ears and very large hairy feet, they like the warm comfort of their hobbit-holes.
And they most certainly don’t like their hobbit-holes being invaded by big hairy dwarves at supper time.
Embarking upon a great quest, Bilbo Baggins leaves his cosy hole behind in exchange for a wild adventure with dwarves.
He, along with Gandalf (McKellen) and thirteen (unruly by Bilbo’s standards) dwarves set off in search of the Lonely Mountain and the great dragon Smaug, who years before drove out the dwarves who called the mountain their home.
Therein still dwells the dragon, who sleeps upon heaps of gold and treasures, including the Heart of the Mountain…

Led by Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins (Freeman) and the dwarves face many perils on their journey, including trolls who want to roast them alive, goblins, orcs and other foe. But their resilience and friendship has got them through. Well, this far at least.
The story itself is much more light-hearted than Jackson’s ever-successful series, surrounding the adventure of Frodo Baggins and the One Ring. Set 60 years previously, much more needs to be explained. There is a whole new set of characters plus some returning faces.
There is action and laughs abound especially in the Riddle scene between Bilbo and the creature Gollum.
The thirteen dwarves

The skill of the writers to include so much of the book, almost word-for-word is an incredible feat. An adaptation such as this is not often seen, and extra parts are not usually well-received. However, as in the recent adaptation of The Hunger Games books, additions (such as the Seneca Crane character and Gamesmaker scenes) can benefit a film and they most certainly do here in the Hobbit. I will say they add much more depth to the film, another layer of mystery and ingenious links to connect this series of films to The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I shall leave them for you to find for I wouldn’t want to ruin the film should you decide to see it.

Agreed, this is slow to get moving, but so was the Fellowship of the Ring. There is so much background to tell, so much to explain and explore in the first film, it’s almost like a prologue. The second and third films are where the real adventure begins.
‘Out of the frying pan and into the fire’ is an understatement for what lies ahead for this rag-tag group.
A must-see for all Lord of the Rings and Peter Jackson fans; this packs a punch and leaves one wanting more - if you can wait a year.

Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins

Monday, 19 November 2012

I have a job!

I realise I haven't been writing as much lately, I don't know if that bothers you but I simply haven't had the time. Life has been so hectic and so full of STUFF I barely have time to think of a blog post let alone write one.

Apart from going to uni and doing uni stuff I haven't been up to much, expect finally starting work of course.
I work at Sports Direct, a big sportswear store on the edge of town and it's alright. The hours are weird and the pay is less than average - it's the minimum so I don't know if I'll be able to save much, but we'll see.
So far I've only been in the stock room, a delightfully chilly room full of stock which we have to sort out, hang and security tag. Such fun. Hopefully next time I'll be out on the shop floor doing something more interesting.
The uniform is a delightful cherry-red polo shirt with tracksuit bottoms and trainers (which we had to buy from sports direct) and it's not the best in my opinion but hey, it's a job.

We've also been busting a gut trying to find a house to live in for our second and third years of uni. Why is it so hard to find a 6-bed student house with 1 car parking that isn't ridiculously expensive. Everytime we find a place we ring up to view and it's gone already. ARGH!

So apart from the massive stress of finding a house and fitting work around my studies life is going pretty well.

Looking forward to Christmas!!

Tuesday, 30 October 2012


Starring: Daniel Craig, Judi Dench, Naomi Harris, Bérénice Marlohe, Javier Bardem, Ralph Fiennes
Director: Sam Mendes

Well from the moment I sat down there was no hiding from the fact this was a Bond movie – almost every ad and trailer was Bond-themed or action-styli. I was inundated with advertisements for the James Bond perfume, laptop, phone, video game, watch and Heineken beer – rumoured to be replacing the Martini but thankfully did not.
Packed from the pre-credit scenes with car chases, rooftop brawls, girls, guns, explosions, creepy villains and gadgets it was proving to be quite a stereotypical Bond-esque movie.
However, each typically Bond element had been updated slightly, modernised to fit with current ideas. Gadget-wise with Q (Ben Whishaw) half Bond’s age there’s a wonderfully witty scene between them in the National Gallery “what were you expecting, an exploding pen?”
There was also an apparent lack of girl-action in Skyfall, with only a hint of some naughty goings-on with a frankly disappointing Bond girl (Bérénice Marlohe). There was an innuendo-filled shaving sequence with Naomi Harris but again it fell flat relationship-wise.
If anyone was the Bond girl in this movie then it was Judi Dench, whose M developed considerably as she battled her own past while fighting the present which was forcing her to retire. This in turn led to some brilliant lines “To hell with dignity, I’ll leave when the job’s done”. There is one concern I had about M’s character and that was how much she swore. I know that strong language isn’t exactly new in the world and it may just be my love for Judi Dench but I felt a woman of her stature and position shouldn’t be swearing so much, the odd ‘bloody hell’ perhaps.
As for the plot itself, I felt this was back to the real image of Bond – spying and sleuthing, hiding in plain sight. It wasn’t the ‘shoot first and ask later’ business of his previous few films. It had a this-time-it’s-personal feel but not the merciless revenge of Quantum of Solace. A real celebration of Fleming’s original character
Now Javier Barden’s Silva wasn’t exactly evil but he was certainly twisted, hell-bent on revenge with a hidden yet gruesome deformity. With a penchant for stories about rats Silva always had a dramatic entrance and an equally gritty departure.
My expectations were high and Skyfall certainly did not disappoint. Happy Anniversary Bond.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Literally Loving Life

My God this past month has been the most hectic ever!
So far I've:

  • Left home and started University
  • Got a manic timetable
  • Learned how to live and be independent
  • Got a job at Sports Direct
  • Joined CSRFM and being trained up to do my own show
  • Started a website called The Broken Biscuit Company (some of may have found your way here from there)
  • And made a massive amount of new friends both in my house and on my course
Literally loving life right now, but I seem to have no time left in the day!! My schedule is so hectic and now my tutors are starting to give us more work to do, I'm starting to think I'll have to let something go. 
And I fear it may Fencing - we haven't started training yet after all as we can't find a coach :(

Since leaving home, I've hardly had time to miss it, but when family came to visit last weekend I realised I do miss them a lot. It's made me think that those students who see their family often, or Skype/FaceTime them regularly find it hard to get on because they're always dragging themselves backwards.
But that's just my view, other may find it easier to cope with being away.

I also have a job now. Went along to a group interview at Sports Direct with a couple of housemates and was called up the next day with a job offer which is brilliant! After years of failure back home, four weeks here and  I'm officially employed.
It's minimum wage, which is fine, and technically a 'zero hour contract' meaning you get your hours the week before and it's based on your performance. So if you decide to go out the night before and then turn up late or not at all, you'll get fewer hours the next week. But I'm looking forward to starting and finally having a proper job with a monthly paycheck and stuff.

CSRFM - Canterbury's Community and Student Radio - broadcasts city-wide on 97.4 and is one of only seven such stations to have a five-year licence from Ofcom. Playing alternative music, CSRFM broadcasts 24/7 365 days a year - and I just joined! I'm thinking of doing a 'Rock Through the Ages' type show where I play songs from a particular year and listeners text/tweet/email their guesses in - makes it a bit more interactive? I'll have to see what the producers say about it but I shall keep you posted on that

And finally I have a website, Here you will find film news, film reviews and each week I'll upload an interesting video I want to share with you all. If you have a film you would like me to review, new or old, leave a comment here or on the Comments page on the site and I'll see what I can do!

That's all for now, so much going on!!

Friday, 28 September 2012

My First Week

My my what a hectic week!! I've been so busy, today had been the first time I've had time to myself it's been crazy.
I absolutely LOVE my roomates. I'm in a house of five other girls and they're so much fun :P Rosie is a mancunian trombone player, Jenny who will be spending a year in America, Nicola from Essex along with Ellie who's a second year and Sharon...who we barely even see haha.
But they're all brilliant either way, really nice girls

As for my course, I cannot wait to start on Monday. We've spent the week in 'Induction' where we get introduced to all the course modules (print/tv/online/radio/law&ethics) and this is literally my dream come true. It's everything I ever wanted it to be and I have a feeling this is my calling. I don't know exactly what I want to do at the end of it, like some people know they want to be sports reporters etc. but I know this is where I belong and I CAN'T WAIT!!!

I've also signed up to a few societies including: the student radio CSR Fm; the Media Society, Yoga, Cycling and Muggle Quidditch xD

I'm sure all that along with my course will keep me busy enough and I shall try and keep you updated with what's going on

This is how happy I am ^_^

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Oh It's a Student's Life For Me

Hi everyone...all 6 of you who read this (thank you!!) Sorry it's been so long, been a hectic month getting everything ready for moving to UNIVERSITY!!!
And now I'm here and it's all so different and exciting and so scary! Being in a big city it's nerve-wracking!

As ever there were a few hitches with moving in:
1) Front door is next to impossible to open
2) No hot water thus
3) No heating
4) No internet
5) Fridges didn't work

Oh what a life

However thankfully it's all been fixed now and am toasty and pretty happy with uni so far.

Next stop, FRESHERS!!!

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

I'm off to Uni!!

Well I guess this is it then, the next stage of my life about to commence, and this will no doubt be the most exciting - it's certainly the scariest!
I'll be leaving home and moving to Canterbury to study Multimedia Journalism at Canterbury Christchurch University. I can't wait to move, I just want to pack already! But I've got four weeks yet so it's just a waiting game now, ahhhhh!!!
Unlike some who go to Uni totally alone, I will be taking my three favourite people with me :) First, my wonderful boyfriend Oli who will be studying Computing at Canterbury and living just a 2 minute walk away rather than an hour-and-a-bit bus&train journey away haha. And then my bestest friends Cat and Em who will be studying History and Film respectively at Kent Uni, which is only a couple of miles up the road. So I feel pretty darn lucky as we'll all be sort of together yet still following our own paths to success.

However I feel extremely lucky to even have a place at uni, I didn't exactly do brilliantly in my exams especially  English. I think I must just fail epically at that because I got an E in my AS again and only a D in my A2. fortunately the B in my coursework brought the whole grade up to a D but it's still not the most desirable result. And then after finally getting onto UCAS and finding my place confirmed I was over the moon, and so surprised of course. I think they may have gone on my work experience to boost my chances.

Either way, I'm going to University and it's going to be the damn best three years of my life...fingers crossed xP

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Bad Editors ARRGH

ARRGH I hate hate hate bad editors, they drive me up the wall. How hard is it to miss simple grammatical mistakes - and even some big ones!

Admittedly it can boil down to the authors themselves not proof-reading their work, even I make mistakes. But then I come back to it in ten minutes and can see them straight away.

For example, Stephenie Meyer in Twilight says that Carlisle is 'more handsomer' - Handsomer isn't even a word!!! Why did nobody question this as it simply does not make sense.

But the worst that I just came across (and the reason for this post) is in the new book in the Artemis Fowl series: The Last Guardian by Eoin Colfer. Now I love these books and even though I'm too old for them now, they still excite and enthral me and I was really disappointed when I read the sentence "Their progress down the feeder rail seemed maddeningly slow down the feeder rail". What's maddening is how simple a mistake this is and infuriating in how someone could miss this. Aren't books meant to be double proof-read to escape problems like these? Even if it's a friend, or the postman - somebody!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Olympic Torch and Eddie Izzard

Tuesday 17th July 2012 was a day I shall remember for a long long time.
It was the day that the Olympic torch came through my sleepy little town on its way to London for the 2012 Olympic Games!! And it truly was an incredible event for the whole town - it seemed like everyone was down on the seafront and spread along the route to see each bearer run their 300 metres with the torch.
I was standing outside the De La Warr Pavilion and that  was where local and international celebrity Eddie Izzard was running yaaay! I love him, especially his stand-up comedy from years ago. So my mum and I stood on the roadside for an hour and a half before he was due and waited. In the meantime we were entertained by two crazy men on bouncy stilts, a little like the feet that Paralympians use.
Then at about five o'clock the parade started and it was brilliant, every time someone went past even if it was a Policeman they got cheered everyone was just so excited
And then.
The big moment when the man himself ran by. You could only see part of him as he was surrounded by Gamesmakers making sure he didn't fall over or get attacked and it was over so quickly but I felt oddly humbled by the event and I'm not sure why. I guess it was then that I knew I was proud to be a citizen of this country and to experience this once-in-a-lifetime event.
Yes I know that things haven't gone to plan like the budgeting and the G4S mishap but things in life aren't perfect. This is a HUGE event so things are bound to go wrong and I think those people that dislike the Games for those few things that have gone wrong are just grumpy misers

But I think the best thing of all comes next.

Now I had been on the roof all day writing an article for Bexhill FM: a student run radio station that broadcasts for one week every year, and that day they were broadcasting live from the roof coinciding with the torch run. So we had heard rumours that Eddie Izzard would be returning to the roof of the De La Warr for pictures in front of Richard Wilson's "Hey lads I've got a great idea..." coach and for interviews with press - BBC, ITV etc..
And so when they had finished, I got out my phone, pushed my way to the front and interviewed Eddie myself. And it was amazing, my first interview with a famous person and I didn't even have to try very hard. Well I had to stop other people pushing me out of the way but I just jumped in there, asked my three questions and that Friday it was in the newspaper along with my article on Bexhill FM

So yes, a day that started out as me writing a small article for a local radio station turned into one of the best days of my life

Eddie with the Torch

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

College is over!

It's finally the end of my college days! Ah so many memories, sadly not all of them good.
I had my last exam today, A2 English Lit which was utter pig crap, the most horrible exam I have ever had the displeasure of taking. I honestly believe that I will be damn lucky to come away with a C overall for this subject. Media? That was a piece of cake, whipping down 20 pages of glorious fact, I even asked for extra paper (which I was the only person to do so). See that's what I can do. Plain solid fact, and that's why I'm taking Journalism at Uni and not English because I don't do well with the analysing of fictitious pieces. Fact all the way please!
But yes, college has been an amazing part of my life, and possibly the best time in the whole of my 14 years in education. Not once in these two years have I been bullied or teased, not once have I lost my friends to evil people, not once have I had to do a subject I really hate. Life has been pretty sweet. I've had two boyfriends (admittedly the first was a jerk I should never have let it go on so long) and my current is the most amazing, wonderful guy ever and I hope our time together is long-lasting and true. We're planning on going to the same University (out of chance) so long may it continue!!

I know that I've learned lots about the subjects I took; how to analyse a text, media theorists, what makes a good advertising campaign, but what I've learned the most is how to be a good person. I know it's rather cliché but my tutors really have taught me a lot about life, out there in the real world where not everything is given to you on a plate and you have to really work towards your dreams because one day you will achieve your goals.
I recently went to a Chinese restaurant for my brother's birthday and in my fortune cookie, it said: "All of your hard work will soon be paid off"

I know that that day will be a good day, but it means that I will have achieved everything I set out to do. But now I know in my heart that I will never achieve everything, there will always be something more, a new goal to strive towards, whether it be getting a 1:1 at University, seeing my child's first day of school, promotion or settling down into retirement and seeing my grandchildren grow up

As they say, a woman's work is never done

Now I just have to wait til the 16th August to find out if all my hard work HAS paid off

Wednesday, 13 June 2012 McDonald's?!?

So I applied for a job at my local McDonald's cos I'm getting pretty desperate for a job now, and umm yeah I got rejected. By MaccyD's. Feeling pretty low right now
And it wasn't even a proper interview, it was a group interview with about twenty others, during which we had to question another person, ask them five more questions of our own and then 'report our findings to the group', it was ridiculous! However during the questioning section, they didn't tell us that we'd then have to report back. If I had known I would have sold myself a lot more and asked more relevant question than 'Do you have pets?'
So disappointed. And frustrated. I've had so many interviews and they've rejected me on the basis of I don't have any customer or retail experience. But how am I supposed to get retail experience if no one will employ me for not having any retail experience!!

I guess I'll try the supermarkets next...

I don't even eat McDonald's

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Beautiful Blogger

I just got nominated for a Beautiful Blog :)
I've never really considered my blog to be beautiful, pretty or even successful. It's just my musings on stuff really and that's all I ever wanted it to be. People complain about their ratings or boast about how they got 10,000 hits last week. I honestly don't care about page views as long as someone reads it at least

So, my seven things you don't know about me:

  1. My parents divorced when I was seven and now I live with my mum while my dad lives at the other end of the country. My brother still loves him but to me, he is my biological father but he is not my dad. I have little emotional attachment to him. Bit of a sad note to start with but it's what came to me first
  2. I love to cook, especially Italian food
  3. I can't write fiction for love of trying so I stick to fact, hence the Journo degree
  4. I probably don't do so well in exams because I don't study enough, but that's usually because I'm afraid of it. The amount of work that we have to go through is so daunting I will do nearly anything to avoid it. Apart from clean the bathroom, then I'll study the entire day.
  5. When I have children, I want boys not girls
  6. I wear glasses for reading
  7. And finally, I spent two years learning Chinese as a GCSE but all I can remember apart from basic greetings is 'I love noodles' (wo xiao miantao for those who are interested)
As for my blogs, I actually don't read that many mostly because I dont seem to have time or merely forget

First is the lovely lady who nominated me she write such funny stuff, often about ho her bf annoys her and how much she loves soap (which I didn't know before I read it)

Secondly my lovely friend who does not need his ego making any bigger my me doing this but hey ho he's enjoyable to read

And last but not at all least is who is literally obsessed with films and her blog is about - you guessed it, films :P 

This is what to do now:
Put down seven facts about yourself,
Link to the blog of the person who nominated you
Link to bloggers who you think deserves the award,
Let these bloggers know
Simples *squeak* xD

Sunday, 20 May 2012


I've realised that I haven't written anything in a LOOONG time and that would be due to the mass of exam STRESS that has been piled upon anyone of school/college/university age including myself.
I know I only have three exams unlike other people I know who have like eight. However all those science and maths exams seem more like memory tests with short questions to answer. It's not like English or Media where you have two and a half hours to basically write two essays worth 40 marks each. They don't have all those case studies to learn about: plays, poetry, novels, films, magazines, advertising; it seems endless!
Sometimes I feel that subjects such as English are so much harder than other subjects but they get so much stick as the soft girly subjects - you have to be smart to do this! And sometimes I worry that I'm not smart enough to do this. Earlier this week I took my AS English for the third time...and even then I have a feeling I got totally the wrong end of the stick on one of the questions (or maybe it's because I'm not the biggest fan of poetry and didn't study as hard).
Either way it's a pain the but that we won't find out how well we did until we get our final grades and by then it's all over. It's too late to do anything about it.
At least I only have two subjects to worry about as Graphics was completed back at the end of March and I think that went quite well considering I did twice as much work as we were meant to. My tutor said '8 boards' as in 8 sides to the project. However I thought he meant '8 boards' as 16 sides. I managed to cut it down to 14 sides by the end of the project and I was very happy with my final images - even if my models do look rather effeminate
I shall return when my exams are over and I am free to write - that is if my brain hasn't been turned to total mush in the meantime...

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Sitting On the Fence

This is a post about religion, I mean no offence if caused

Sometimes people criticise me because I say that I am Agnostic rather than having a religion, or just being Atheist. But to be honest, I think being an Atheist is worse than having the most extreme beliefs. Having absolutely nothing to believe in, and thinking that when you die that that's just die. It seems pretty empty to me.
At least I believe there is something out there. Something watching over us and that something happens to us when we die; I just don't have a name for it. I don't for one second believe in Jesus, or that he performed miracles and the like.I don't believe it's a figure or being, just some kind of "thing" that is there.
For all I know, we don't meet whatever IT is until we die and then it welcomes us into wherever we go whether it be a reincarnation depending on how you lived your life; a kind of heaven and hell; or a place similar to Earth where we live our lives backward, growing younger and are reborn as new babies. 
For all I know, it could be a giant goldfish bowl somewhere in the depths of space and our souls float around in that for eternity...
I don't think that there is a 'God' or 'omniscient, ever-present being' because then why would bad things happen to good people? Seems pretty obvious that if there was a God, bad things would happen to those that had done bad things.
This is probably all very hypocritical of me because I also believe in science - Evolution, Natural Selection and The Big Bang. The world and universe began through science, but there's nothing to say it has to end through science. Yes science is used to prove that your life has indeed ended, but there's no way of knowing what happens afterwards.
This is - for me - where belief comes in. I know there is something after this life, I just don't know what it is and have no wish to put a name to it.
I just know that we still have to make the most of this life we have.

On the fence of religion

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Let the 74th Hunger Games Begin!


I know this is probably everywhere at the minute but I have to say this is the best book-to-film adaptation I've ever seen. Harry Potter was amazing yes, but it wasn't as true to the book as The Hunger Games is. It's phenomenal how well the writers have done - but then they did have the author on their team.

They only changed one thing, and to be honest it was an improvement - and it's not often I say that about this sort of thing - and that was to show behind the scenes of The Games, how the Gamemakers work, the strategic ways they go about making the Games interesting for the watching public. Because that's what it is after all, an entertainment show.
I didn't know much about the cast apart from Jennifer Lawrence who plays Katniss Everdeen and Josh Hutcherson who plays Peeta Mellark, but I think they were perfect for the roles. I was so glad they used a 'plainer' girl for the role of Katniss, I didn't want her to be some perfect girl. She was tough because she had to be and she'd had a hard life. Hutcherson was exactly as I imagined Peeta to be.  As for Rue, I have noticed that some fans are objecting to her because of her colour, but the book does state that she was dark. I think that Amandla Stenberg was ideal for the role, she had a power and confidence about her that hid her true innocence, because she is after all, just a child in the Games.
As for the costumes, they were just amazing, especially the 'girl on fire' dress for Katniss' Interview. I had imagined the Chariot costumes slightly different but what they did was still incredible. As for the people of the Capitol, they were even wackier than I had envisioned with their painted faces, especially Effie Trinket; she had a different colour palette every time she was on screen.
I'm normally always dubious about book-to-film adaptations as this was already a fabulous book, written by Suzanne Collins, but I must say my expectations have not only been met, but surpassed.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

I Went to the BBC!

All throughout my two years at college there hasn't been one trip and now two come along at once. Today I went to the BBC Television Studios in London, and in April I'm going to the Making of Harry Potter at their studios yay me!

So today we had a tour round the BBC, looking at old sets including Match of the Day and Blue Peter, and the building of a new set for a pilot of Richard Hammond's new show 'Secret Service'. At the moment the tour guides don't know anything about it, not even what channel it's broadcast on.
Because as it turns out, it's not just BBC shows that are recorded there. Harry Hill's TV Burp and 8 Out of 10 Cats are among many programmes from other channels that are recorded at the BBC Studios. The BBC rents out an empty studio, with cameras, for around £50,000 for 12 hours. The programme itself then has to bring in its set and everything else to make the show.
I also had the opportunity to read the news! Another girl and I were hooked up with little mics, sat behind a desk with a green-screen behind us, and instructed to read from an autocue...I think it went relatively well...I'm not sure how we looked or sounded but we got a bit of applause at the end :P
I think the absolute highlight of the tour was seeing and getting a photo with, an original TARDIS that they filmed with! Matt Smith had even signed it 'The Doctor woz here, raise more money!' - this was from when he did a special piece for Children In Need in 2011.

In all a very very good day and it's a shame I'd never get the opportunity to work in this iconic building, I'd either be at Broadcasting House in Central London, or way up in Salford =/

Sunday, 25 March 2012

The Voice vs BGT

So the big battle between BBC's The Voice an ITV's Britain's Got Talent. Who Will Win? You Decide!
Personally, I think the format for The Voice is genius - blind auditions where it really is The Voice that matters. If a judge - or coach as they're called to sound less mean - likes what they hear, they slam their big red button and they turn round to see who is singing. If only one coach is turned at the end of the audition, that coach gets the contestant. If more than one coach turns round, the contestant gets to choose which coach they want.
However, each coach can only pick ten people so they have to be really careful who they pick. You can see the indecision on their faces as they try and decide whether they want this person, just by the sound of their voice.
As for the judges themselves, I think they've got a good mix going on there. - I'm still trying to decide if he actually cares or if he's just in it for the money the act might bring him; Jessie J - a new act on the block as it were, with a very individual style of music. Then there's Danny O'Donoghue, lead singer of The Script - now I think he's a really good judge to have because he will represent all the Indie acts out there, the ones that aren't all poppy like and Jessie. I think that's what Janet Devlin needed on X Factor last year, Kelly never picked the right songs for her and styled her all wrong.
Then of course there's the infamous Tom Jones, who I think will bring something special to the competition as he's from a totally different generation and has different views on singing and performing. In an interview he had, he said he was still getting used to all the modern music that the contestats are coming out with - it may be why he was often the last one to turn round on Saturday Night

As for BGT, it was the same old stuff really, mostly singing acts with the odd loony thrown in

...I think I'll stick with The Voice thanks.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

A Cold, Nikki Minaj and The Social Network

Don't you hate it when you wipe your nose and then it just keeps running?
I hate having a cold it sucks, and I know I'm not alone in this. And I know it's not physically possible because of all the variations, but they really should find a cure or vaccine for the common cold. It's been around long enough.

Another thing I hate is how addictive crap songs can be. Nicki Minaj's 'Stupid Hoe' video has millions of views - most of which come from people watching it to take the piss out of it, just because it's so stupidly funny. The lyrics don't even make sense! Wristes does not rhyme with bitches, and what's Roman Polanski got to do with anything? The worst thing is the artists get paid for every view of their video so us lot watching it to take the piss are actually helping them out >:(

She's just as confused as we are

Oh, I finally watched The Social Network last night, and found it much better than I thought it would be. Although Jesse (who plays Mark Zuckerberg) talks WAY too fast, it was really quite enjoyable. It's interesting to see what kind of people come up with these sites and the lengths they'll go to to achieve their dreams and stick by their ideas. I think everyone should be that devoted to their dreams. Ok perhaps not take it to Federal Court unless it's a real, major project. I don't think they'll be interested in someone 'stealing your spot'

Tuesday, 13 March 2012


Oh. My. God. I have never heard a bigger cheer from an audience! That was just such an amazing day - it always is. The energy and atmosphere created throughout the day, and the glorious sunshine got the whole team totally stoked for the performance and we all really went for it out there.

And the best part?

WE CAME THIRD!!! Out of 7 schools. (Well I suppose it was out of 6 as Durrington got through automatically as they're a 'premier' group for winning before. Which I don't really think is fair as their dance wasn't to the standard it normally is.)
Perhaps the half naked 18 year old men on stage got the judges a bit hot under the collar haha
Anyway. This was my last ever Rock Challenge as next year I'll be too old (the grand old age of 19 haha) and I'm just so happy we placed. Ok, we may not have got to the next stage of the competition, but I'm partly glad to be honest as it would be right in the middle of exams and things. Not the best time to be focusing on a dance competition
The Team!!

So I would just like to say a massive well done to the whole team and everyone who got involved, we've all put so much hard work in over the past 6 months and I can't wait to see what they come up with next year :D

Sunday, 11 March 2012

The Big Day

And so the big day is finally here, Rock Challenge 2012!! So excited :P
For those of you who don't know, Rock Challenge is an under 18's international dance competition to raise awareness of the importance of healthy living and friendly competition; and tomorrow is the regional heat for the South East!
I can't wait for our dance, it's going to be incredible - The Lion King!! I can't remember what the theme for the competition is this year but I know ours is going to be amazing. We've got a Pride Rock and everything.
I would just like to thank Josh for all the hard work he's put in this year, I'm surprised it hasn't brought on premature balding! And to Lucy and Holly for helping to choreograph the routine :D

I shall be back here tomorrow evening to tell you the results - hopefully we'll place!!

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Another E

Oooh Results Day - for any AS's you may have done or retakes. Now some people have the opinion that having to do a retake of any subject makes you dumb, or that you didn't work hard enough the first time around. They don't seem to take into account that you may have worked your butt off to do well; gone to revision sessions, done the practise papers etc. and just ended up with a really bad paper that totally flummoxes you.
So here's me, got an E the first time around because I crashed and burned the first time I took my AS Lit paper, waiting for my results after my retake.....

Another E.


Now I have to take the exam again in the summer, as well as redoing my coursework, alongside my A2 Lit exam and coursework, plus my other subjects.

It looks like my new and unused ID card will remain new and unused for a while yet.

Intro's Are Useless

Hi whoever finds this blog (I suppose that would be you). I hope you will find it at least a bit interesting, if not, then maybe this isn't the right blog for you to be reading...but how do you know it won't get more interesting the more you read on?
This blog isn't anything special or serious - I'm hoping to study Journalism at university next year and they said having a blog will improve my writing and get me used to writing regularly etc.
So yeah, don't read this if you want the latest fashion trends, though you may get my thoughts on weird ones. This is basically my thoughts on the world around me as it is, with the odd post about a news story I find interesting and want to share with you all, film reviews; or if I just fancy a rant at a computer screen :)