Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Olympic Torch and Eddie Izzard

Tuesday 17th July 2012 was a day I shall remember for a long long time.
It was the day that the Olympic torch came through my sleepy little town on its way to London for the 2012 Olympic Games!! And it truly was an incredible event for the whole town - it seemed like everyone was down on the seafront and spread along the route to see each bearer run their 300 metres with the torch.
I was standing outside the De La Warr Pavilion and that  was where local and international celebrity Eddie Izzard was running yaaay! I love him, especially his stand-up comedy from years ago. So my mum and I stood on the roadside for an hour and a half before he was due and waited. In the meantime we were entertained by two crazy men on bouncy stilts, a little like the feet that Paralympians use.
Then at about five o'clock the parade started and it was brilliant, every time someone went past even if it was a Policeman they got cheered everyone was just so excited
And then.
The big moment when the man himself ran by. You could only see part of him as he was surrounded by Gamesmakers making sure he didn't fall over or get attacked and it was over so quickly but I felt oddly humbled by the event and I'm not sure why. I guess it was then that I knew I was proud to be a citizen of this country and to experience this once-in-a-lifetime event.
Yes I know that things haven't gone to plan like the budgeting and the G4S mishap but things in life aren't perfect. This is a HUGE event so things are bound to go wrong and I think those people that dislike the Games for those few things that have gone wrong are just grumpy misers

But I think the best thing of all comes next.

Now I had been on the roof all day writing an article for Bexhill FM: a student run radio station that broadcasts for one week every year, and that day they were broadcasting live from the roof coinciding with the torch run. So we had heard rumours that Eddie Izzard would be returning to the roof of the De La Warr for pictures in front of Richard Wilson's "Hey lads I've got a great idea..." coach and for interviews with press - BBC, ITV etc..
And so when they had finished, I got out my phone, pushed my way to the front and interviewed Eddie myself. And it was amazing, my first interview with a famous person and I didn't even have to try very hard. Well I had to stop other people pushing me out of the way but I just jumped in there, asked my three questions and that Friday it was in the newspaper along with my article on Bexhill FM

So yes, a day that started out as me writing a small article for a local radio station turned into one of the best days of my life

Eddie with the Torch

1 comment:

  1. That's cool that you're onto what you want to do and getting in there with the interviewing. You can use this in later life. :)

    Sounds exciting. x
