Tuesday 21 August 2012

I'm off to Uni!!

Well I guess this is it then, the next stage of my life about to commence, and this will no doubt be the most exciting - it's certainly the scariest!
I'll be leaving home and moving to Canterbury to study Multimedia Journalism at Canterbury Christchurch University. I can't wait to move, I just want to pack already! But I've got four weeks yet so it's just a waiting game now, ahhhhh!!!
Unlike some who go to Uni totally alone, I will be taking my three favourite people with me :) First, my wonderful boyfriend Oli who will be studying Computing at Canterbury and living just a 2 minute walk away rather than an hour-and-a-bit bus&train journey away haha. And then my bestest friends Cat and Em who will be studying History and Film respectively at Kent Uni, which is only a couple of miles up the road. So I feel pretty darn lucky as we'll all be sort of together yet still following our own paths to success.

However I feel extremely lucky to even have a place at uni, I didn't exactly do brilliantly in my exams especially  English. I think I must just fail epically at that because I got an E in my AS again and only a D in my A2. fortunately the B in my coursework brought the whole grade up to a D but it's still not the most desirable result. And then after finally getting onto UCAS and finding my place confirmed I was over the moon, and so surprised of course. I think they may have gone on my work experience to boost my chances.

Either way, I'm going to University and it's going to be the damn best three years of my life...fingers crossed xP

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