Saturday 5 January 2013

Resolutions anybody?

Every year we make the same new year resolutions: Lose weight, eat better, drink less but most of us never stick to them for more than two months, if that.
So this year I have decided to make realistic resolutions that are easy to stick to in an attempt to make myself a better person. For this year, 2012, I have three, realistically achievable resolutions:

1) Not interrupt people when they are talking. 
I never wait for someone to finish talking before I cut them off to give my opinion or start a new topic. I must wait for them to finish and then say my thing. If it never gets said then it can't have been that important

2) Do more regular exercise.
Now I know this is a cliché resolution, but I honestly do need to do some form of regular exercise. I don't really do much except the 20 minute walk to and from uni so I always feel tired and lethargic. When I have done some physical activity I feel much more vibrant and awake. So more exercise please! I've decided to join the gym, because as I'm paying for it I'm more likely to use it not wanting to waste my money.

3) Manage my money better.
I have a tendency to spend a lot more money than I actually have, especially in my first term at uni. I had a limit of £50 a week to buy food and anything else I need, including socialising. I was spending almost double that some weeks so I really need to get that under control otherwise I'll be in a bit of a pickle.

These are my resolutions so in a year I shall review them and see if I've stuck to them
I wish you luck if you've made any this year, even if it's a little thing

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